WBS 2019 Read Thru the Bible 1-17-19
Creation & The Fall
Read Genesis 1-3
Genesis 1
Six Literal Days of Creation:
1. Real Science is Observable OR it is Historical.
For something to be a fact, there must be proof.
How does 1 Thessalonians 2:13 argue that the Bible is an historical document?
Side Note:
Real science is based on an hypothesis that can be tested and recreated in order for that theory to be considered an actual fact. Otherwise, something can be proven a scientific fact if it historical - that means an eye-witness observed something and wrote it down. For example, I have never met Abraham Lincoln, but I know he was president and that he was shot and killed because people who were there wrote it down. No one was around when the world began, but God made sure that all the events were recorded. He personally conveyed to Moses how the world began, and Moses wrote it down. Every name and location mentioned in the Bible are actual places and events supported by other historical sources. The Bible is not a made up fairy tale. Archaeology supports scripture.
2. All six days of Creation were regular days.
Genesis 1 repeats the phrase: There was ________ and ________ for all 6 days. That means the earth rotated once each time. All that is needed for a day to occur is light in one direction and a rotating earth. And God created light on Day __ even though he didn’t create the sun and moon till Day ___.
3. God is not constrained by time.
Some people think there is cause to blend evolutionary ideas with Genesis 1 and suppose that the six days of Creation were just really long days. But 2 Peter 3:8 says that to God, a day is like ____ years and vice versa. But this passage has no context to the Genesis account of Creation. This passage is a comparison (using like or as) to show that God is not constrained by time. If a thousand years were a literal day, then the reverse could not also be true. Plus, we know that Jonah was inside the fish for 3 days, not 3,000 days. Same is true for the Resurrection of Jesus. The tomb was empty 3 days later, not 3,000 days later.
How does Proverbs 30:5-6 warn Christians not to blend modern scientific ideas with Scripture?
4. Six days for Creation does not limit God.
Six days limits us not God; we have a hard time believing what he can do! We can be confident that God absolutely does what he says! What did God say about Creation in Isaiah 66:2a?
5. Adam had plenty of time on Day Six.
Adam was given the task to name all the animals in the garden not all the beasts on earth. He also was never a baby, so he had perfect intellect and language skills.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 reminds us that it is God who ________ us to do his good _____!
6. Notice that the first three days of creation are backdrops, and the next 3 days of creation fill them in.
Day One: God created ____________.
Day Two: God created ____________&_________.
Day Three: God created _________.
Day Four: God created the ___ & ______ to govern the _____ created on Day _.
Day Five: God created ______&______for the ______&______created on Day __.
Day Six: God created _________ and _______ to live on the land created on Day __.
(Tip: If you want to remember the days of creation in order, you really only need to remember the order of the first 3 days.)
Read Psalm 8. Artists are known by their work. Bach & VanGogh are recognizable artists. How is God’s work recognizable to you?
7. What did God create on Day Seven?________.
If humans were created on Day 6 and rest was created on Day 7, then God’s intention for mankind is for us to ______ and then _______, not the other way around. Why is this a good idea?
8. Reread verse 28. What did God tell Adam & Eve to do?
That means that God wants the earth to be full of people & that the people should be in charge of the earth. This doesn’t coincide with what public education has been teaching about the earth. Some people believe that human life is bad for the earth, but that is not true. God made people with intelligence, creativity & incredible ability to problem solve. He made all of creation to serve our purposes and needs, not the other way around. Think of an example of how people would rather worship the earth than use of it wisely.
9. Now read Romans 1:19-23 to answer the following questions:
How does this passage describe why some people believe the earth’s resources are not for our use?
Why isn’t God’s existence as obvious to modern society anymore?
Why is God’s existence, character and nature not widely recognized anymore??
10 Reread Genesis 3 and answer the following questions about The Fall of Man:
First of all, why is Satan in the Garden?
Ezekiel 28 tells us Satan, before his fall, was an angel of the highest rank and prominence, even the “worship leader” in heaven. Isaiah 14 tells us Satan’s fall had to do with his desire to be equal to or greater than God, to set his will against God’s will. (Guzik)
The woman wasn’t surprised at the serpent’s speaking because Adam and Eve had free conversation with angelic beings that often appeared in the form of men. If this is true, it wasn’t so strange to Eve that an angelic being might appear to her in the form of a beautiful pre-curse serpent. This creature didn’t start as a snake as we know it, it became one. (Poole)
Why do you think Satan communicated with Eve first and not Adam?
What did Satan do in Genesis 3 that he also did in Matthew 4?
What facts did Satan twist?
What is the result for humans when we listen to the Enemy instead of God’s Word?
Can you think of a time when you were easily influenced like this? What was the result & what could you have done differently?
Explore - explore one verse from the reading
Express - find truths that are expressed in the verse
and find corresponding verses to support those truths
Engage - engage God in prayer by turning the truths into prayers
(usually these are “help me” or “thank you” prayers that can be made personal)
Explore: Genesis 1:31
Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!
1. God made ___________. (Isaiah 66:2)
2. _____ interacts with all he made. (Psalm 121 the whole thing)
3. Everything God made is_________! (James 1:17)
On your own:
Explore: (Write down one verse from the reading.)
Express: (Write down some specific truths you can draw from just that verse.)
(Next, write down any verse or verses that come to your mind that remind you of the truths you wrote down. Use the computer or a Bible Concordance.)
Engage: (Turn your truths into a personal prayer.)
Creation & The Fall
Read Genesis 1-3
Genesis 1
Six Literal Days of Creation:
1. Real Science is Observable OR it is Historical.
For something to be a fact, there must be proof.
How does 1 Thessalonians 2:13 argue that the Bible is an historical document?
Side Note:
Real science is based on an hypothesis that can be tested and recreated in order for that theory to be considered an actual fact. Otherwise, something can be proven a scientific fact if it historical - that means an eye-witness observed something and wrote it down. For example, I have never met Abraham Lincoln, but I know he was president and that he was shot and killed because people who were there wrote it down. No one was around when the world began, but God made sure that all the events were recorded. He personally conveyed to Moses how the world began, and Moses wrote it down. Every name and location mentioned in the Bible are actual places and events supported by other historical sources. The Bible is not a made up fairy tale. Archaeology supports scripture.
2. All six days of Creation were regular days.
Genesis 1 repeats the phrase: There was ________ and ________ for all 6 days. That means the earth rotated once each time. All that is needed for a day to occur is light in one direction and a rotating earth. And God created light on Day __ even though he didn’t create the sun and moon till Day ___.
3. God is not constrained by time.
Some people think there is cause to blend evolutionary ideas with Genesis 1 and suppose that the six days of Creation were just really long days. But 2 Peter 3:8 says that to God, a day is like ____ years and vice versa. But this passage has no context to the Genesis account of Creation. This passage is a comparison (using like or as) to show that God is not constrained by time. If a thousand years were a literal day, then the reverse could not also be true. Plus, we know that Jonah was inside the fish for 3 days, not 3,000 days. Same is true for the Resurrection of Jesus. The tomb was empty 3 days later, not 3,000 days later.
How does Proverbs 30:5-6 warn Christians not to blend modern scientific ideas with Scripture?
4. Six days for Creation does not limit God.
Six days limits us not God; we have a hard time believing what he can do! We can be confident that God absolutely does what he says! What did God say about Creation in Isaiah 66:2a?
5. Adam had plenty of time on Day Six.
Adam was given the task to name all the animals in the garden not all the beasts on earth. He also was never a baby, so he had perfect intellect and language skills.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 reminds us that it is God who ________ us to do his good _____!
6. Notice that the first three days of creation are backdrops, and the next 3 days of creation fill them in.
Day One: God created ____________.
Day Two: God created ____________&_________.
Day Three: God created _________.
Day Four: God created the ___ & ______ to govern the _____ created on Day _.
Day Five: God created ______&______for the ______&______created on Day __.
Day Six: God created _________ and _______ to live on the land created on Day __.
(Tip: If you want to remember the days of creation in order, you really only need to remember the order of the first 3 days.)
Read Psalm 8. Artists are known by their work. Bach & VanGogh are recognizable artists. How is God’s work recognizable to you?
7. What did God create on Day Seven?________.
If humans were created on Day 6 and rest was created on Day 7, then God’s intention for mankind is for us to ______ and then _______, not the other way around. Why is this a good idea?
8. Reread verse 28. What did God tell Adam & Eve to do?
That means that God wants the earth to be full of people & that the people should be in charge of the earth. This doesn’t coincide with what public education has been teaching about the earth. Some people believe that human life is bad for the earth, but that is not true. God made people with intelligence, creativity & incredible ability to problem solve. He made all of creation to serve our purposes and needs, not the other way around. Think of an example of how people would rather worship the earth than use of it wisely.
9. Now read Romans 1:19-23 to answer the following questions:
How does this passage describe why some people believe the earth’s resources are not for our use?
Why isn’t God’s existence as obvious to modern society anymore?
Why is God’s existence, character and nature not widely recognized anymore??
10 Reread Genesis 3 and answer the following questions about The Fall of Man:
First of all, why is Satan in the Garden?
Ezekiel 28 tells us Satan, before his fall, was an angel of the highest rank and prominence, even the “worship leader” in heaven. Isaiah 14 tells us Satan’s fall had to do with his desire to be equal to or greater than God, to set his will against God’s will. (Guzik)
The woman wasn’t surprised at the serpent’s speaking because Adam and Eve had free conversation with angelic beings that often appeared in the form of men. If this is true, it wasn’t so strange to Eve that an angelic being might appear to her in the form of a beautiful pre-curse serpent. This creature didn’t start as a snake as we know it, it became one. (Poole)
Why do you think Satan communicated with Eve first and not Adam?
What did Satan do in Genesis 3 that he also did in Matthew 4?
What facts did Satan twist?
What is the result for humans when we listen to the Enemy instead of God’s Word?
Can you think of a time when you were easily influenced like this? What was the result & what could you have done differently?
Explore - explore one verse from the reading
Express - find truths that are expressed in the verse
and find corresponding verses to support those truths
Engage - engage God in prayer by turning the truths into prayers
(usually these are “help me” or “thank you” prayers that can be made personal)
Explore: Genesis 1:31
Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!
1. God made ___________. (Isaiah 66:2)
2. _____ interacts with all he made. (Psalm 121 the whole thing)
3. Everything God made is_________! (James 1:17)
On your own:
Explore: (Write down one verse from the reading.)
Express: (Write down some specific truths you can draw from just that verse.)
(Next, write down any verse or verses that come to your mind that remind you of the truths you wrote down. Use the computer or a Bible Concordance.)
Engage: (Turn your truths into a personal prayer.)