Begin the day with Bible. Look at the lesson in the book & begin by reading the story to your child from your Bible (with no pictures). Then discuss and complete the activity page together.
OR you may choose reading & activities from Garden of Praise
Use a Bible verse (or part of a verse) from your reading for Handwriting practice to be kept in an illustrated journal.
For Language Arts & Math do 2 pages per day in Letters & Sounds and 2 pages/day in the Number Skills book. Add counting aloud, addition & subtraction flash cards & manipulatives for calculating. Supplement with Story Time at NSCC.
For Beginning Reading or Advanced Reading, purchase or check out from the library ability level readers for reading practice. Also be reading chapter books to your child every day, even if it’s only a few pages per day. Let them draw or talk about what you read when you’re done too. Choose books that you liked -- Charlotte's Web, Narnia, Harry Potter, Boxcar Children, etc...
Get journals for the Social Studies and Science books. Let your child write words & illustrate or dictate sentences for you to write for them about the reading. Supplement the lessons with information or short documentaries & summaries from the internet. Note: You can do Social Studies one semester and Science for the other; you do not have to teach every single subject every day. Your focus this year is READING.
For Art & Music, use the Art Projects book once or twice a week and for music play your favorite music and talk about the artists. Get on youtube together and learn about Mozart, Beethoven, and Vivaldi this year. Always let them write and or illustrate how the music makes them feel after your lesson.
For PE join a homeschooling park day (NSCC is starting one).
Your child’s daily bike riding, swimming, walking & sports teams counts for PE.
Cost for the school year will be around $160 including however many $7 journals you need.
Note: You do not need a journal for every subject. Just use one journal till you fill it up. When you switch to a new subject just turn the page. It makes reviewing at the end of the week easier. You'll probably go through 2 or 3 journals this year.
Elementary Ages
If you are new to homeschooling this year, please use Clickschool on this website's homeschool menu
Curriculum Suggestions: (for independent students who like grade leveled workbooks)
Abeka (scroll down page to Curriculum by Grade section)
Master Books
Teaching Textbooks (Grade 3 Math thru Calculus)
Integrated Curriculum Suggestions: (for families schooling multiple levels)
Beautiful Feet Books
Mystery of History
Story of the World Books
Well Trained Mind Press (order student and teacher book)
Answers in Genesis Videos
For Bible click HERE
Math Curriculum
Teaching Textbooks
Language Arts
Well Trained Mind Press
Reading & Literature
Classical Conversations (Scroll down page until you see Literature Curriculum)
Wes Olson DVDs (includes additional reading and quizzes on the 1st disk) Biology Chemistry Physics
Abeka or Master Books
Supplement with Answers in Genesis Videos
Survey of Science & History by Master Books
Story of the World Books (These books also have accompanying activity books & quiz books)
Mystery of History (2 Volumes available)
Abeka (filter by grade)
ACSI Health
Abeka Computers
For Bible click HERE