Week # 16 Baby Jesus clickschool primary Bible: Read Luke 2
Verse of the Week: Luke 2:52 Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.
Discuss the Reading: Describe the events surrounding Jesus’ birth. What amazed the shepherds the most? Use information from v.39-41 to describe Jesus’ parents. What did Jesus tell his parents when they found him in the temple when he was 12?
Handwriting: Use the Verse of the Week for cursive or printing practice.
Spelling: Learn these words this week for spelling: wisdom, favor, people, grew & look up what “stature”means and learn how to spell it too. Do a spelling activity each day, like writing each word 3 times, create a sentence for each word, write the words backwards, look up in a dictionary and write a synonym for each word.
Grammar: This verse has a list of 3 things: wisdom, stature, favor. Lists in a sentence can be separated by using the word and OR by using commas. Rewrite the verse using commas for the list instead of the word and. Remember, you may use "and" before the last item in the list, but it doesn’t require a comma beforehand. Review lists here. Also, same info but in a rap song!
Writing: We read about Jesus as a child and about a specific event he had in his childhood when his parents misplaced him for 3 days. This week, embark on some creative writing & write some memories of your childhood. Make the event into a story that has a beginning, middle and end. If it’s hard for you to write that much, dictate your story to your teacher, but help her write some of it OR copy what that teacher has written. OR tell your story by drawing pictures using captions instead. Hopefully, this is a fun activity!
History: Finish reading about WW2 in your history books and library books. There is so much information about WW2, but the human interest stories from that era are amazing. Perhaps you wish to read more about Anne Frank or Corrie ten Boom. You could also add Irena Sendlerowa to the list! Make sure you write facts and interesting information from your reading and watching in your History Journal this week. Here is The Hiding Place full movie (Parental Discretion Advised)
Science: More body systems. Check out library books or read in your science books. Here’s some instructional videos too. Don’t forget to write facts & interesting information from your reading and viewing. Muscular System Circulatory System Immune System