clickschool primary
Week #6 Samuel
1 Samuel 1,3 &15 (Your child can read the story here)
Use the Verse of the Week for Bible, Handwriting, Spelling, and Grammar.
Focus Verse: 1 Samuel 15:22 “What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams..
Bible: Talk about the verse:
What is obedience and what is sacrifice?
Why is obedience more important than sacrifice? (Like if your mom told you to clean you room but you used that time to make her a card with all of your favorite paper and markers instead?)
Handwriting: Write a section of the focus verse everyday.
Spelling: Lord, voice, better, fat, rams
(Activities: Make a card for each word then look at the card for 5 seconds and then turn it over - try and spell the word aloud backwards and forwards. Use each word in a sentence. Write the words with markers.)
Words that mean more than one are Plural Nouns: ram means 1 ram, ram + s means more than one ram (think of more)
Some sentences ask a question. Which sentence from the focus verse is a question? Does it end with a period? Find the question mark. Use a question mark for sentences that ask a question.
Notice the explanation point (!) It is used for sentences that are exciting, but the word Listen! Isn’t a sentence. The (!) is used to indicate that it is an interjection.
Proper Nouns are always capitalized. The word “Lord” is a specific name and will always be capitalized. Your name will always get a capital letter too even if it isn’t the first word of a sentence because your name is a proper noun.
Pronouns take the place of a noun. For instance, there is a pronoun in this part of the focus verse: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice... can you find it? It's the word his; it is replacing the proper noun, Lord.
Think about Samuel’s mom. Describe something you have prayed about?
Describe the night that God spoke to Samuel.
Describe or make up a time when a child was obedient.
To integrate Science this week, think about how Samuel heard God's voice in chapter 3, and Samuel heard the bleating of sheep in chapter 15 verse 14. Research and read about our hearing and all of our 5 senses: Sight, Hearing, Taste, Smell, and Touch. Don't forget to write interesting facts from your research in the Science section of your notebook today.
For History, think about Saul being rejected as king. There will only be 3 kings of Israel before the kingdom becomes divided. Similarly, America experienced a time of division and waged war against each other after only 15 presidents. Read about the American Civil War this week. Book ideas include: chapter 8 of Disgusting History by Capstone Press, If you Lived at the Time of the Civil War by Scholastic, All American History Volume 2 by Celeste W. Rakes, & Abraham Lincoln by Ingri d'Aulaire and Fields or Fields of Fury by James M. McPherson & Heroes in Black History by Dave Jackson, or Diary of William Bircher, A Civil War Drummer by William Bircher. Make sure you record your favorite parts and interesting facts from your reading in the History section of your notebook.
Art & Music. (Psalm 27:4 ...All the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord...)
Hymn: This is My Father’s World by Babcock
Hymn: Trust and Obey by Sammis
Art: Samuel & Eli by Copping
Week #6 Samuel
1 Samuel 1,3 &15 (Your child can read the story here)
Use the Verse of the Week for Bible, Handwriting, Spelling, and Grammar.
Focus Verse: 1 Samuel 15:22 “What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams..
Bible: Talk about the verse:
What is obedience and what is sacrifice?
Why is obedience more important than sacrifice? (Like if your mom told you to clean you room but you used that time to make her a card with all of your favorite paper and markers instead?)
Handwriting: Write a section of the focus verse everyday.
Spelling: Lord, voice, better, fat, rams
(Activities: Make a card for each word then look at the card for 5 seconds and then turn it over - try and spell the word aloud backwards and forwards. Use each word in a sentence. Write the words with markers.)
Words that mean more than one are Plural Nouns: ram means 1 ram, ram + s means more than one ram (think of more)
Some sentences ask a question. Which sentence from the focus verse is a question? Does it end with a period? Find the question mark. Use a question mark for sentences that ask a question.
Notice the explanation point (!) It is used for sentences that are exciting, but the word Listen! Isn’t a sentence. The (!) is used to indicate that it is an interjection.
Proper Nouns are always capitalized. The word “Lord” is a specific name and will always be capitalized. Your name will always get a capital letter too even if it isn’t the first word of a sentence because your name is a proper noun.
Pronouns take the place of a noun. For instance, there is a pronoun in this part of the focus verse: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice... can you find it? It's the word his; it is replacing the proper noun, Lord.
Think about Samuel’s mom. Describe something you have prayed about?
Describe the night that God spoke to Samuel.
Describe or make up a time when a child was obedient.
To integrate Science this week, think about how Samuel heard God's voice in chapter 3, and Samuel heard the bleating of sheep in chapter 15 verse 14. Research and read about our hearing and all of our 5 senses: Sight, Hearing, Taste, Smell, and Touch. Don't forget to write interesting facts from your research in the Science section of your notebook today.
For History, think about Saul being rejected as king. There will only be 3 kings of Israel before the kingdom becomes divided. Similarly, America experienced a time of division and waged war against each other after only 15 presidents. Read about the American Civil War this week. Book ideas include: chapter 8 of Disgusting History by Capstone Press, If you Lived at the Time of the Civil War by Scholastic, All American History Volume 2 by Celeste W. Rakes, & Abraham Lincoln by Ingri d'Aulaire and Fields or Fields of Fury by James M. McPherson & Heroes in Black History by Dave Jackson, or Diary of William Bircher, A Civil War Drummer by William Bircher. Make sure you record your favorite parts and interesting facts from your reading in the History section of your notebook.
Art & Music. (Psalm 27:4 ...All the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord...)
Hymn: This is My Father’s World by Babcock
Hymn: Trust and Obey by Sammis
Art: Samuel & Eli by Copping