clickschool primary – semester #2
Week # 1 John the Baptist
Bible: Read about John the Baptist in
Mark 1:1-14
Verse of the Week: Mark 1:4
This messenger was John the Baptist. He was in the wilderness and preached that people should be baptized to show that they had repented of their sins and turned to God to be forgiven.
Discuss the Reading:
*Talk about who were John’s parents & describe John.
*What did John preach to the people? Remember, these people only knew about following rules and presenting sacrifices. What is John teaching that is different from that in v.4?
*Who is John talking about in verse 7?
*What is the difference between John’s baptism & the baptism Jesus will soon offer?
Handwriting: Use the verse of the week for handwriting practice. Write a short phrase of the verse each day in your notebook in printing or cursive. Click here to practice cursive J's & B's
Grammar: Review common & proper nouns here.
Make a list in your journal of common nouns & a list of proper nouns from the verse. Click here for more practice.
Spelling: Use words from the verse of the week for spelling:
messenger, wilderness, repented, turned, forgiven
Write sentences for these words, write the words with definitions for each, practice writing each word 3 times, write the words backwards, write the words in alphabetical order, etc. Quiz yourself on spelling them without looking by the end of the week.
Creative Writing: Write about what it would be like to grow up in the wilderness. It doesn't have to be about John the Baptist, just a creative story about someone growing up around nature & animals more than people. What do they do, what do they eat, what happens when the encounter people? Spend one day collecting your ideas & organizing your plot. Then start writing & by the 3rd day start editing your writing so you can make a finished piece to present to your family by the end of the week. Click here to review the Writing Process.
History: For this semester, we will be reading about Jesus interacting with people from the Book of Mark, so for History, let's learn about Famous Americans and the results of their encounters. It is always good to note in your jounals when you recoginze godly character in the people we read about too. Please check out library books, find the sections in your textbooks & conduct further online research about this week’s Famous Americans.
Lewis & Clark
Click here & here.
Click here.
Keep notes & illustrations of interesting facts in your History Notebook.
Science: Since our Bible Reading is from the Book of Mark about the Life of Jesus who came to bring New Life, we will be learning about Life Cycles this semester! Be sure to check out library books, find the sections in your science textbooks & find online resources to further your discussion on each topic. Remember to write 3 interesting facts & your interesting illustrations in your Science Notebook each day from your reading, watching & research.
Life Cycles (introduction)
Life Cycles Song
Music & Poetry:
Classic Hymn: What a Friend we have in Jesus
lyrics only (can be used for extra handwriting practice)
Water Lilies by Monet
Foreign Language:
Spanish Phrases
Teaching Textbooks is a fantastic grade appropriate program promoting students' independence working on mathematics.
Extra math online video resources
Memorize your times tables this year
Practice Addition Facts here
(scroll down to find the flashcards)
Read fo Pleasure for at least 20 minutes
Write down or draw a picture of an interesting part of the story in your notebook & share it with someone.
And Don't Forget to include these things in your day BEFORE you play video games or watch movies...
Play Outside Today!
Do a chore around the house or yard
Help cook something
Do something creative like sing or play an instrument, draw, build or write a letter
Week # 1 John the Baptist
Bible: Read about John the Baptist in
Mark 1:1-14
Verse of the Week: Mark 1:4
This messenger was John the Baptist. He was in the wilderness and preached that people should be baptized to show that they had repented of their sins and turned to God to be forgiven.
Discuss the Reading:
*Talk about who were John’s parents & describe John.
*What did John preach to the people? Remember, these people only knew about following rules and presenting sacrifices. What is John teaching that is different from that in v.4?
*Who is John talking about in verse 7?
*What is the difference between John’s baptism & the baptism Jesus will soon offer?
Handwriting: Use the verse of the week for handwriting practice. Write a short phrase of the verse each day in your notebook in printing or cursive. Click here to practice cursive J's & B's
Grammar: Review common & proper nouns here.
Make a list in your journal of common nouns & a list of proper nouns from the verse. Click here for more practice.
Spelling: Use words from the verse of the week for spelling:
messenger, wilderness, repented, turned, forgiven
Write sentences for these words, write the words with definitions for each, practice writing each word 3 times, write the words backwards, write the words in alphabetical order, etc. Quiz yourself on spelling them without looking by the end of the week.
Creative Writing: Write about what it would be like to grow up in the wilderness. It doesn't have to be about John the Baptist, just a creative story about someone growing up around nature & animals more than people. What do they do, what do they eat, what happens when the encounter people? Spend one day collecting your ideas & organizing your plot. Then start writing & by the 3rd day start editing your writing so you can make a finished piece to present to your family by the end of the week. Click here to review the Writing Process.
History: For this semester, we will be reading about Jesus interacting with people from the Book of Mark, so for History, let's learn about Famous Americans and the results of their encounters. It is always good to note in your jounals when you recoginze godly character in the people we read about too. Please check out library books, find the sections in your textbooks & conduct further online research about this week’s Famous Americans.
Lewis & Clark
Click here & here.
Click here.
Keep notes & illustrations of interesting facts in your History Notebook.
Science: Since our Bible Reading is from the Book of Mark about the Life of Jesus who came to bring New Life, we will be learning about Life Cycles this semester! Be sure to check out library books, find the sections in your science textbooks & find online resources to further your discussion on each topic. Remember to write 3 interesting facts & your interesting illustrations in your Science Notebook each day from your reading, watching & research.
Life Cycles (introduction)
Life Cycles Song
Music & Poetry:
Classic Hymn: What a Friend we have in Jesus
lyrics only (can be used for extra handwriting practice)
Water Lilies by Monet
Foreign Language:
Spanish Phrases
Teaching Textbooks is a fantastic grade appropriate program promoting students' independence working on mathematics.
Extra math online video resources
Memorize your times tables this year
Practice Addition Facts here
(scroll down to find the flashcards)
Read fo Pleasure for at least 20 minutes
Write down or draw a picture of an interesting part of the story in your notebook & share it with someone.
And Don't Forget to include these things in your day BEFORE you play video games or watch movies...
Play Outside Today!
Do a chore around the house or yard
Help cook something
Do something creative like sing or play an instrument, draw, build or write a letter