Capital “S”
John 6:29
Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”
Every Believer knows we are not saved by what we do or how hard we work. Jesus perfectly describes the “work” required of us. And believing is actually a full time job, and that job is trusting what Jesus says and applying it to how we live every single day. Ironically, our biggest critics tend to do the exact same thing.
My husband and I were talking this morning how we’ve noticed a shift in how information has been being conveyed gradually over the years. It used to be that articles would present their information by saying, “Recent studies have shown...” But lately, that’s becoming rare. Those words have been replaced with, “Science proves...” Like science is an enlightened thing? There’s all kinds of people touting their beliefs about global warming, gender psychology, evolution, and vaccinations like they are settled matters because of “Science.” They think saying, “Science proves” is a conversation ender. What they should more accurately state is, “Based on their research, our scientist believe thus and such...”
Science is not God. Science can’t make infallible conclusions by itself. It is a system of thoughts and experiments conducted by potentially fallible regular ol’ people. Smoking and drinking used to calm a woman’s nerves during pregnancy, and there are hundreds of practices (leeches) no longer accepted because “Science” disagrees with them even though “Science” used to endorse them. “Science” is not the all powerful being some people want it to be. It’s a lot of work to believe in “Science.”
So why do people who willingly accept “Science” have such a hard time with faith? Hebrews 11:1 defines “faith” for the Believer and the science only embracer...
Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.
Science is actually a good thing. There should be lots of people in lab coats concocting and studying on our behalf, and there are. But some people who want to choose their own reality have co-opted the word “science” for their own agenda. Their “work” everyday is to believe in evidence of things they can’t see or actually prove because they want to. It’s ironic that many of them seek to disprove the existence of the One True living God by inventing a god all their own with a capital “S”.
Dear God,
You are the One True Living God who doesn’t change. Thank you for making yourself known to us through, creation, through your Word, and even through science. I pray for my friends who truly have invented faiths of their own out of arrogance. I pray for them to turn to YOU and be saved. You are great and greatly to be praised, and I love you and pray in Jesus’ name, amen.