Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.
That’s who I am. I am Jesus’ representative. Dictionary definitions of “representative” include: “One that serves as an example, delegate, or agent for another. Representing, depicting, or portraying and being able to do so... Authorized to act...”
It’s my job. As a Believer I should be an example, I must act on Jesus’ behalf showing kindness, forgiveness, and love like he would. I have to portray him accurately or no one will look for him. And the Holy Spirit helps me be able to do just that (Philippians 2:13). I am authorized to act. I just have to actually do.
Pastor Dean said yesterday at church while he was teaching that “if we trust in God for our salvation (everyone enjoys the idea of being forgiven from our sins!), we must also embrace what he says about how we should live.” And God wants us to live like Jesus.
We don’t just ask forgiveness of our sins and then live however we please. That is insincere repentance. Accepting forgiveness, being saved, and receiving eternal life gives us a new mission in life... Ambassadorship.
2 Corinthians 5:20
So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”
Ephesians 6:20
...As God’s ambassador.... (I) pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should.
In our day and age we know full well what harm and frustration cruddy political representatives and ambassadors can accomplish. Many times I don’t feel like my Representatives are representing me and my best interests, and it’s infuriating. And I cringe at how some of our governmental officials roam other countries misrepresenting true American ideology. Can you imagine Jesus looking at me in the times I misrepresent him? “Janys, don’t do that! Aww! Why would you say that? Turn your cheek, girl!”
Good thing for me Jesus is kind and forgiving. He invites me to try again. He isn’t holding anything against me or over me, and that makes me very thankful. And THAT is what I want to duplicate, replicate, offer, portray, and represent to others on HIS behalf.
Dear God,
Thank you for your Son! Thank you for the opportunity and the ability to be like him. Help me to represent Jesus boldly, with authority, and accurately so that others will enjoy him too! I love you and praise you and pray in Jesus’ name, amen.