Ephesians 4:2
Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.
This verse is awesome and contains excellent reminders and words to live by. But I do have a problem with one of the words in here and it isn’t patient, gentle or humble; it’s “always.”
Sometimes we reserve our best for strangers and save our “real” selves for our family. It’s ironic how we can automatically be kind to casual friends, workmates, and acquaintances who aren’t invested in us at all but be quick to blow up at our close family members – the ones who happen love us most. Why is that?
I don’t know why, but I do know that is why this verse begins with the word “always.” We are not meant to have two personalities. I shouldn’t greet friends at church with a warm smile and hug after screaming at my kids for the whole car ride there. I must ask God to help me when I’m stressed, frustrated and disappointed not to take it out on those around me. If I can manage NOT to show this side of me to strangers and casual acquaintances with my finite amount of will power, just think of how much more God will enable me with his unlimited power!
For God is (always) working in you, (always) giving you the desire and the power to (always) do what pleases him. (Philippians 2:13 – I added some words)
Dear God,
Thank you that because of YOU and YOUR generous power and strength available to me, I do NOT have to be two people. Thank you for giving me humility, gentleness, patience and love for everyone, especially for the ones who love me the most. Thank you that you allow me to be like your Son, Jesus, in whose name I pray, amen.