As much as they do
2 Corinthians 10:7-8
Look at the obvious facts. Those who say they belong to Christ must recognize that we belong to Christ as much as they do. I may seem to be boasting too much about the authority given to us by the Lord. But our authority builds you up; it doesn’t tear you down. So I will not be ashamed of using my authority.
Paul is talking about spiritual authority in this passage. He is correcting some Believers who have misunderstood him and mistaken his motives, but his words just jump off the page at me in light of what happened in Orlando 2 days ago.
I remember a time when American tragedies were cause for calling for a moment of silence and praying for the families of the victims. Nowadays, tragedies are platforms for the president to present his ideology that does absolutely nothing to comfort families or solve problems. A self identified enemy of our country wiped out a nightclub. The root of this problem is not about guns or mentally unstable people. The root of this problem is that we have an enemy that our leadership ignores. That is the root of every problem. We have an Enemy, and we should not ignore that fact; we should confront it.
Those who say they belong to Christ must recognize that we belong to Christ as much as they do... A Believer who has misunderstood something or someone should not use scripture out of context to suit their argument in order to try and shut the other side down. The one who corrects another based on the whole truth of God’s Word provides solutions that actually builds people up not shut them down in order to ‘win’ an argument.
Those who misinterpret the Constitution and say they believe American Freedom is protected by restricting innocent citizens must recognize that Conservatives are Americans just as much as they are. And we disagree. Which side of the argument makes people more free, and which side just wants to shut the other side up? Which side of the argument address the root of the problem that we have an enemy that needs to be dealt with, and which side denies the root of the problem and uses distracting techniques to further their own agenda instead?
We are relying on Americans to use common sense these days, and we’re getting nowhere. We must rely on Believers everywhere to use their spiritual authority and speak the truth. Believers know the truth about the Enemy; he comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). And nowhere in all of scripture are we ever instructed to make ourselves weak and give in to the Enemy and let him take over.
Dear God,
I pray for this country and the illogical ideologies at play. I pray for the families of the victims and for our whole country to turn to you in this time of tragedy and not shift blame or further a liberal agenda. Thank you that we have the right to defend ourselves in this country. Help more people be bold and use that right so that we can defeat our enemy. Thank you for protecting my family in these dangerous times. Help godly leaders to emerge even though I do not see that happening. That’s why I put all my hope and trust for life, wisdom, and protection in YOU. I love you and thank you and pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.