Born Again
John 1:13
They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.
Here’s the verse where Believers’ call themselves “Born Again.” Lots of people have dramatic experiences or serious events that completely shape who they are into a new person. A tragedy, a windfall, a relationship, or a death can change a person forever to be different than who they once were.
Such is a genuine encounter with the One True Living God. When we realize we are not free, when we realize we have guilt and shame piling up, when we realize we need a complete do-over in life is when we readily accept God’s gracious gift of salvation. Even at a young age, before a person actually needs a do-over of any kind, we can experience God’s love too, and we do want it forever and to be reborn as a person who doesn’t have to live a life apart from God.
That’s why being a Believer can not only change who you are; it changes whom you will become!
Dear God,
Thank you for the gift of salvation through your Son, Jesus, so that my life would have options for the BEST! Thank you for giving me faithful parents who taught me about your love when I was a little girl so I wouldn’t ever have to experience life without you. And now that I am older, I look back and see how you’ve loved me and blessed me and I still want that. Thank you for giving me two births and for shaping my heart for eternity with you. I love you so much, and I just can’t thank you enough, and I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.