Bruce Gender
Genesis 1:27
So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
One of the headlines in the news this morning is the debate going on in Houston, Texas regarding gender and public restrooms. Personally, I cannot understand why this debate is even going on. Seriously, wow! For me, there is nothing to debate; God made girls; God made boys, and for centuries society has provided adequate public facilities for both. The debate isn’t really about bathrooms anyways. There’s tons of family friendly and handicapped bathrooms in malls all over America; public places can simply change the design of public restrooms to accommodate the ever changing whims of society. The heart of this matter is the desire ungodly people have to pursue undoing what God has established because they do not acknowledge or like Him. God established marriage specifically between a man and a woman because this union is the only union that will produce a Family. So that makes marriage an institution not a recreation between two of anything that produce nothing. But anyone who is not a Believer will disregard scripture and this truth entirely. They’ve disregarded it so much so they have advanced their agenda beyond questioning what constitutes marriage into what constitutes a person. And I’d like to see Christians stop getting fooled into thinking this is an issue to debate. Believers know what God has made it clear. So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27) There is nothing to debate.
Romans 1:21-22 explains exactly what the ungodly are up to. They don’t want to worship God or even give him thanks... So they think up foolish ideas that oppose God. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.
There is only one of each kind. Males and Females. And even within the “kinds” there is a wide variety of personalities and preferences, but there is still only just 2 kinds. It truly defies all logic and common sense to debate what is male and what is female. We do not debate Natural Law in any other scientific area. God made two distinction very clear when he gave us our body parts, and that distinction remains no matter who cuts off what.
For example, Bruce Jenner is free to do and say what he pleases because he lives in America, Land of the Free. However, why are his personal experiences and the experiences of the small population like him causing public debates over actual Laws of Nature? Gravity is never up for debate, and this topic shouldn’t be up for debate either. No matter how much Bruce thinks he identifies with a female, he is not a female, and his parading around as one should be offensive to all females. He does NOT identify with us because he CAN NOT. He will never have a child, he will never menstruate, he will never have ovarian cancer... He cannot identify with a woman no matter how much he dresses up like one or mutilates his body. And as a woman, I find it is insulting not cause for celebration, and I’m not even a feminist! Where is the outcry of feminists, by the way? Feminists organized themselves in order to get a man’s career & a man’s salary and now a man is co-opting their gender. Ridiculous.
Similarly, Rachel Dolezal infiltrated the NAACP not by saying she, as a white woman, identifies more with black women but by deceitfully posing as one, claiming to be one before she got found out. Identifying with a race and actually being a member of that race are two different things. She cannot wish herself into actually being a black woman no matter how she styles her hair. Her appearance will not give her the history and experiences that makes up that group. She isn’t part of that community because she isn’t part of that community. The backlash of her situation rose from insulted black families who have themselves or have relatives and ancestors who have actually suffered not just felt like they suffered. Her white ancestors were never taken from their homes in the middle of the night and sold into slavery for centuries. Her parents and grandparents were never denied access into places of business, forced to sit where they don’t want to sit, and given... what... separate bathrooms???
And we’re back to bathrooms. Making special bathroom concessions is what society does to denigrate a group of citizens not boost another. And that group, in the case of transgender restrooms is the group of women that belong in there in the first place!
Dear God,
Everyday I’m getting closer to understanding why you had to destroy the earth with a flood and annihilate a couple of cities. Good grief, I can’t believe I even have to pray for my country to come to their sense over issues that should never ever make its way into actual legislation. But I do pray for our leaders to come to their senses, for you to thwart the efforts of the ungodly, and I thank you for protecting us from horrible ideas and horrible leadership in the meantime. I love you and thank you and appreciate so much the institutions and laws of nature you have established! And I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.