Circle of Life (A rich, full life!)
Matthew 6:33
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
I believe everything I believe about God to be true. If he says that he will provide everything I need, then he will! His promises are for everyone, so I believe this is also true for everyone.
What about poor & hungry people? Well, what/who are they putting their faith in? No? They’re too busy being poor and hungry, right! Not coincidentally, Matthew chapter 6 begins with this title: “Teaching About Giving to the Needy.” Makes sense. Personally pursuing the things of God is actually good and beneficial for everyone!
What does seeking “the kingdom” even look like? It has to extend beyond coffee with Jesus in the morning, daily devotions & podcast listening. Those things fill my heart bucket, but “seeking the kingdom” must be something I can do all day.
When I’m doing dishes, ask God what’s next on the agenda (See Galatians 5:16). When I’m at work, work like Jesus is my boss (Colossians 3:23). When I’m interacting with a person and losing my patience, ask God for some. When I need joy or self-control (See Galatians 5:22-23), or when I need wisdom (James 1:5), ask, ask, ask. Whatever life is like in God’s Kingdom, I can pursue right now, all day, everyday in my heart, words & deeds, and no one can stop me. God promises that I am free to pursue life like this because he will meet my needs that pop up.
There is a correlation between what I seek & what I get. This is true for the rich and the poor. A rich person can’t dismiss the promises of God because poor people exist. A rich person can help a poor person; in doing so God is glorified because the poor person got a glimpse and now is free to seek God with all their hearts too. Circle of Life – Circle of a rich, full life!
Jesus has made his purpose clear & the needy people need to hear it from us:
My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. (John 10:10)
Dear God,
I believe all your promises are true. I want to believe that even if I have nothing, you would still meet my needs everyday because your Word tells me you will when I simply stay with you. You feed, you sustain, you make well in every way, and I am so thankful. Give me wisdom and opportunity to help those who need help today. I love you and thank you, for your ways are good, economical, right, satisfying, nice, and very helpful, and I pray & thank you in Jesus’ name, amen.