Isaiah 46:4
I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.
No one else can make promises like this to me. I know my husband will be my husband throughout my lifetime, but what if he dies before I do? (Morbid thought, but true.) I know my kids will be long gone and out of my house when my hair is “white with age.” I wonder which one of my poor kids will get stuck with caring for me in my old age? Maybe they’ll pass me around? The same One who fits the bill for me in these areas of life is also the One who can carry me and save me. I love a lot of people, and I am blessed with a lot of people who love me. But as much as they love me, none of them can see me through everything and indeed save me.
I need God throughout my lifetime. That’s it. Everything and everyone else he has given me is just in addition to His kindnesses and blessings. I don’t say this to boast, I’m writing this thought down because it’s true.
I made you, and I will care for you... Am I not God’s daughter? Is this not how I feel about my own children. I didn’t come home from the hospital with my daughter and expect someone else to nurse her, change her diapers, and rock her. I took care of what is mine - 4 times.
God made me. HE will care for me. He’s not leaving that job to credit cards, government officials, doctors, or mortal relationships. He made me and will care for me. There is nothing but joy and comfort in my heart when I reflect on this truth about God, and I am truly thankful.
Dear God,
What a simple scripture this morning; what a simple truth! Thank you so much for making me stop and think that my anxieties are fabricated. You will never leave, you will never die, you will never be too tired, or unequipped to meet every single one of my needs for as long as I live and beyond because you are God. You are MY God! Thank you SO MUCH! I love you and praise you in Jesus’ precious name, amen.