Psalm 56:4
I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?
Today is my last kid’s eighth birthday. Time is flying by.
I praise God for what he has promised... When I was a little girl, I knew I wanted 4 kids of my own when I would be a mom. I don’t know who is responsible for planting ideas that turn into dreams into the minds of little girls. But since so many of them have come true, I’m beginning to wonder!
We had 3 kids really close together. And then one night they all started praying for me to have another baby. The youngest at that time was 4. We were on the older side of the biological clock and hadn’t conceived in 4 years and were only getting older. But our kids kept praying every night. My husband and I thought it was amusing. Then they got more specific; the baby needs to be a boy so there would be another boy for our other son. Who put that dream out there for my three kids to pray in agreement on and believe wholeheartedly every single night?
As almost a year went by we were about to explain to the kids that mommy is older and we could get them a puppy, of course, we found out that not only a baby was on the way, but also, OF COURSE, it was a boy!
Who planted the idea that our family would have another baby? An idea that I had had 30 years ago, or the same notion that got my kids praying very specific prayers to God at night sure looks like an answered promise to me.
I trust in God... It honestly never entered my kids’ mind that I would not have a baby and a boy baby for sure because they told God their need. They trust in him. And he showed them in grand fashion what the Bible says in many places: No one who puts their hope in God will ever regret doing so or come away disappointed (Psalm 25:3 & Romans 10:11).
I trust in God AND I praise God for what he has promised.
Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.
My kids know this firsthand. They freely come to Jesus all on their own, and he doesn't hide himself from them or disappoint them at all. THIS is the promise that I see God fulfilling in my life. We teach our kids about God’s love and faithfulness and they choose HIM for themselves.
Psalm 128:1-4 A Promise from God:
How joyful are those who fear the Lord--
all who follow his ways!
You will enjoy the fruit of your labor.
How joyful and prosperous you will be!
Your wife will be like a fruitful grapevine,
flourishing within your home.
Your children will be like vigorous young olive trees
as they sit around your table.
That is the Lord’s blessing
for those who fear him.
Dear God,
Thank you so much for a house full of children! Thank you for the joy of celebrating Benjamin’s birthday together today. Thank you for the big kids loving to tell our little guy of how he came to be. They all know YOU did this for us. They all know that you generate, keep, and fulfill promises. I praise you and thank you for being so amazing to my family. None of us have ever regretting putting our hope in you. I love you so much and I just can’t thank you enough! Amen.