He Will
Isaiah 33:22
For the Lord is our judge, our lawgiver, and our king. He will care for us and save us.
HE WILL CARE FOR US AND SAVE US! I know this and believe this with all my heart; and it makes me very glad! Last night was the first Republican “debate,” and right now half of the country is looking for someone to save America and care for us. Reality is this – it doesn’t matter who gets the nomination or who even wins next year. It would be nice to have leadership in our country that isn’t only looking out for their personal interests. But God is the One in whom we trust no matter who lives in the White House. And I don’t say this to be cliche. It’s true. The last two decades have proven that BOTH political parties let us all down all the time. And the fact that we’ve survived them proves that God is the one actually taking care of me.
I’m not going to put my hope in a new leader. I put my hope in God only, and pray for the next leader to do the same.
Dear God,
I pray for our country not only out of obedience to your Word but also out of real concern. I do pray for a change for real freedom and actual protection. I pray for whomever is our next President to be a godly person more considered about righteousness than political correctness. And even if we do get such a leader, I still put all my hope and trust in you! You are the one who protects me, you provide for my family, you have given us jobs, a home, cars that run and good health. You will continue to take care of us whether we have these things or not too because you have been taking care of us all along, and I just can’t thank you enough! I love you and praise you and pray in Jesus’ name, amen.