1 Peter 1:15-16
But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.”
I know a lot of adults who look back and think how it used to drive them crazy that their parents’ explanation was always “because I said so.” Then these same adults have kids of their own and freak out on the day when those very same words escape their lips!
I think what we are really saying to our children is this: “Do this because I do.” When we ask our kids to clean their rooms, eat dinner, help a younger sibling, come home on time, or speak with respect it is simply because we do those things. It’s how our house works.
You must be holy because I am holy... I am one of God’s children. He invited me into His family and I accepted. He doesn’t ask me to forgive others, love others, and be patient with others for no reason. There’s no arbitrary “because I said so” intended behind obedience to God. As His daughter I should simply be a reflection of who He is. This is how His House works!
Dear God,
Thank you for inviting me into your family. Thank you for showing me how, asking me to, and requiring of me to be like you so that I can enjoy all that being a part of YOUR Family has to offer. I love you and thank you so much! Amen.