I Can Do That
1 Peter 3:15
Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.
When people live their life a certain way that they do not particularly stray from, like a diet routine or exercise regiment, business practice, money policy, or whatever, they find adhering to their system works for them and has made their life good. The Believer’s personal policies involve being a disciple of Jesus Christ first, making spending time with him in study and prayer the highest priority, imitating his behavior a daily goal, and sharing what he has done naturally in conversation. It’s how we choose to operate. I know living this way has made my life full of blessing, peace, comfort, wisdom, and grace. I like it.
Similarly, someone who is really good with money, for example, is happy with the way they live, and if someone else were to aks them why they are always so financially successful that person would have to do what the financially sound guy does in order to have a similar experience. Financially sound guy has given the other guy something to think about next time he goes to spend a buck. In the same way, Peter is directing all Believers to always be ready to explain how and why Jesus is Lord of your life.
Some Believers look at this directive an panic... I can’t prove anything, I’m not an archeologist, Bible scholar or Greek language expert! But that isn’t what God expects of us. I can just share what I know. Hey, I used to get frustrated with people so easily and quickly and now I have lots of grace for people, even people with no grace for me because I know I have received a lot of grace from God. My heart is full of rest and I don’t get all worked up like I used to...
No one can disprove what God has done in our hearts. Especially if you look at how I once was compared to how I am now you would have to absolutely agree with me. I will talk about what I know. I will explain what I have experienced. Peter is not telling me I am personally responsible for all of the religious conversions of every person I meet. All he is saying is explain what has happened to me because it gives people something to think about. I can do that.
Dear God,
There are so many examples of things I used to do, thoughts I used to have, expectations I used to demand that felt more like prison than freedom. I like how seeking you first, above all else, really does allow for you to let everything else be given to me (Matthew 6:33). No one can disprove your existence, your power, and your presence in my life because my life is the proof, how I live is proof, the joy I have is the proof, the peace I know is the proof. Help me always be ready to share these truths. I love you and praise you and thank you for giving me plenty to share, and I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.