It’s not David’s fault that God is so merciful!
2 Chronicles 7:14
"Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land."
I am one of God’s people. He made me part of his family the moment I believed in his Son, Jesus (see Romans 3:22). So, our relationship is based on his structure not mine. I wouldn’t call myself a wicked person per se, since, because of Jesus, God is not holding my sins against me. But I do have unkind thoughts, thoughtless words and actions, temper flares and impatience pop out here and there, and those things certainly are not godly; they are wicked. I must recognize this daily, humble myself daily, ask forgiveness daily, pray daily, and seek God’s will for me by not pursuing things categorized as "wicked ways." This verse is for me; I love that God to hears me, forgives me and restores me. It’s so good.
Turn from their wicked ways reminds me of King David. That guy was a murdering, adulterous, lying sinner of a man if there ever was one. Why did God preserve all his songs and poems for us? David did horrible things. But he didn’t harden his heart against God after every sinful endeavor as most people tend to do. He humbled himself each time and asked God’s forgiveness. Asking forgiveness is a very humbling thing to do especially for a good looking hero-king like David.
So we see that God does hear from heaven and forgive just like he promises. And from David’s case, we see that God is willing to do this more than once, more than twice, more than a whole bunch of times. David enjoyed a close and personal relationship with God and still does to this day even though he really doesn’t deserve it by his deeds. But like my husband says, “It’s not David’s fault that God is so merciful!” David’s relationship with God is based on who God is and how HE operates.
And that’s why Believers humble ourselves daily, ask forgiveness daily, pray daily, and seek God’s will daily because we certainly do find God’s mercy especially when we need it most!
"So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most." (Hebrews 4:16)
Dear God,
I thank you so much that your mercy and grace is unlimited. I would be so utterly desperate if there were limits or qualifications for it. But you show time and time again in your Word that you forgive and you restore anyone who turns and humbles themselves. So I thank you for the many opportunities you have done this for me. Thank you so much for the relief I have simply because of who you are and how you operate. I love you so much and I just can’t thank you enough. And I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.