No Scheming Necessary
Mark 9:35
He sat down, called the twelve disciples over to him, and said, “Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else.”
Human logic dictates that it is necessary to climb over people to get to “the top.” This is true in business, life, even in some families with lots of children where it looks like every man for himself at snack time. But in God’s economy, there’s room for everyone, so there is no need to shove your way to the head of the line.
To get a scholarship to a prestigious university, get named CEO of some giant company, or get voted most popular something in the yearbook at school one must be the BEST and/or extremely lucky. But, thank God, salvation isn’t just for some. ANYONE who believes in Jesus will be saved (See Romans 3:22).
So, along the way, we can live how God prescribes in his Word, the Bible. I can honor others even though society demonstrates that honoring ourselves is how people get what they want. But, we can actually be patient, kind, and faithful. We don’t have to boast about ourselves, wish ill on others, or finagle to get our own way (See 1 Corinthians 4:13-7). These things may get one ahead in life, education, and business, but if I’m living by following Jesus, there is no reason resort to the “every man for himself” mentality that comes naturally to me.
God does not operate within society’s system of scheming. We can take delight in honoring each other with love and genuine affection (Romans 12:10) because JESUS is the one who made it so we’ll make it to “the top.” We don’t have to climb over anyone to get freedom, forgiveness, and eternal life.
Dear God,
Thank you that living as you direct doesn’t put me at the bottom of some human dictated “A list.” I enjoy the relief and the freedom that living by following Jesus doesn’t nudge me out of any special standing. You have saved me through your Son because you love me not because of how cleverly I can try to be. Thank you that forgiveness and eternal life is not up to my wits and means but out of your infinite generous supply of grace. I love you so much and pray for a heart that delights in honoring others even when society dictates we honor ourselves. Thank you for the way YOU operate; it is VERY peaceful for my heart – no scheming necessary. I thank you and praise you and pray in Jesus’ name, amen.