John 15:10 Jesus said,
“When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.”
Jesus also said, “The Father and I are one.” (John 10:30) They are one in agreement and one in the same. So, living like Jesus is a life that pleases God.
Is remaining in his love and obeying his commandments one in the same too? When I realize that living like Jesus isn’t a life of checklist keeping but a real relationship, I think the answer is YES!
If I reflect continually and constantly how much Jesus loves me, I also realize how much I love him. I am so thankful for his sacrifice. When I read the accounts written about him in the Gospel books, I can’t help but love him so much. (See prayer below.) I constantly think of these things, and I constantly love him. I am choosing to constantly remain in his love. Wouldn’t I, therefore, be living a life of obedience naturally without feeling like I have the burden of ticking off checks on some kind of list of obedient behaviors?
I think loving Jesus is the key. Love, love, loving him lets him seep out of me, and it looks exactly like an obedient life that pleases God!
Dear Lord Jesus,
Please seep out of me today. I love you SO much! I love everything about you. I love how you surprised Mary at the garden by the empty tomb. I love your interaction with Peter on the beach after your resurrection. I love how you told a little girl to wake up. I love how you touch sick people with your own bare hands changing their lives forever. I love you so much! I love remaining, staying, and persisting in love in my relationship with you. And I thank you and praise you and pray in your name. Amen.