Praying for my Friends
Colossians 1:11-12
We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father...
This is how we can pray for others. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who has a chronic, annoying illness. She always asks me to pray for her, and I always do anyway, but she still hasn’t any relief from this reoccurring health issue lately. It’s also important to remember that God doesn’t whisk us away from all of our problems and infirmities when he saves us; he does what this verse says so the whole world can see that Believers get pressed but not crushed (see 2 Corinthians 4:8-9) because of the strength, endurance, patience and joy God gives us when we pray when, by all human standards, we shouldn’t have any of those things.
Praying for our loved ones is the most productive thing we can do for them to demonstrate our love for them. God hears and answers every prayer. And he is not a human that he should answer prayers like Santa Claus would. He is almighty, so he imparts his might to us all the time when we see our need and pray. And what we really need is his strength to get through all the things people go through in life.
King David noticed this about God and wrote about it in Psalm 138:3...
As soon as I pray, you answer me;
you encourage me by giving me strength.
The second we pray for ourselves or someone else and the struggles we’re dealing with, God answers affirmatively immediately and gives us the strength we need to endure, and he adds patience and joy to it as well. We might need to pray again 2 minutes later, but it will happen again. God is faithful and this is what he does. It’s fabulous!
So I pray for my friends all the time like this. Sometimes their circumstances change and sometimes they don’t. But they make it through because every bit of prayer provides every bit of strength they need for the moment because God is mighty and he has plenty to share.
Dear God,
I pray for my friend who isn’t feeling well. Help her to endure today, and thank you for her example to me of having such joy and thankfulness during her physical discomfort. You prove to me every day that what I believe about you is true and show me yourself. Thank you for the moment by moment strength you provide for me when I am pressed and thank you that I’ve never been crushed and that all who trust in you will never be ashamed or embarrassed for having trusted you. You are so faithful and wonderful and I love you so much, and I thank you in Jesus’ name, amen.