Small Bite Sizes of Life
Matthew 6:34
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
I’ve tried many times to simplify my life. Only looking at today’s agenda and even breaking that up in to sections of the day ease the feeling of being overwhelmed or easily distracted. “Be where you are” and “You have what you need for right now” are my personal little mantras, and they are biblical. Today’s trouble (today’s schedule) really is enough for today. But because I do keep a calendar, and because I do like being prepared, it is easy to get swept away with trying to tackle tomorrow’s tasks today. If I do that, I shouldn’t be surprised by the frustration, worry and anxiety that follows.
God really does give me what I need every day. He’s consistently faithful to make sure I have what I need the moment I need it. Give us this day our daily bread. Check. And forgive us our debts... check... as we forgive our debtors. This one seems tricky as I often can’t pre-picture kindness towards a person who has wronged me, but I have never known God to forget to fill me with mercy and love for others when I’ve needed it. So, check.
Worry comes when I forecast what I need ahead of the time that I need it. That’s why Jesus says not to do that.
Dear God,
Thank you for who you are. You are my Great Provider! Thank you for teaching me about worry and for requiring me only to take small bites of life at a time. Thank you for helping me manage my time, and thank you for never neglecting to give me and my family exactly what we need when we it. Help me to be where I am today instead of projecting about tomorrow, and help me be content with what I have. I love you and thank you and pray in Jesus’ name, amen.