The First Step
Psalm 14:1
Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good!
Fools think they know everything. That’s what makes them fools. It really is foolish to make absolute claims over something you have no authority over. Just because it’s said doesn’t make it true. It makes the one who said it foolish, for no person is omniscient. And how ironic it is to make omniscient claims over the One who actually is Omniscient!
Unbelievers want poof God is real, and Believers require proof from unbelievers that God isn’t real. To us, it betrays all logic and common sense to assume that creation just exploded into being since no one has ever seen that happen since. But we have all seen a building and can Google the architect who drew up the plans. If there is a visible, tangible object, all logic and common sense dictates that Someone put it there (thank you, Ray Comfort).
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. (See Romans 1:20)
It is foolish to say, “There is no God” especially with trees, sky, sunshine and grass staring at you in the face while you say it! Someone had to put that stuff there.
Even Albert Einstein, neither moral or religious, confesses this: My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.
Admitting that you don’t know everything is the first step towards not being a fool.
Dear God,
Thank you for what really is irrefutable evidence of YOU! Thank you for making yourself known and available so simply that even a child can understand. Creation is amazing and not accidental just like the things that get made today. Thank you that we can confidently know you and know real truth and not be deceived by our own arrogance as so many people are. I pray for my hard core atheist friends who make no room in their lives for you and are impressed with their own intelligence to the point it has blinded them to trees, grass and sunshine. You have make wonderful things, and I pray that you would work wonders in their closed hearts even as I pray for them now – let a bird or a flower give them a second to think and ponder the reality of YOU. You are so good to me, and I love you, and I want them to know you too and to not be fools anymore. Thank you for who you are and what you’ve done. I love you so much and pray in Jesus’ name, amen.
PS. I do think Einstein was a fool. He treated his first wife horribly and admitted he was a terrible father too. He enjoyed popularity even though other scientists of the day promoted the exact same works and theories. Crediting a “superior spirit” is not the same as acknowledging the One True and Living God, and that is what made him a fool, therefore, he was corrupt (stealing credit) and evil (just ask his wives!) just as Psalm 14:1 claims.