We Like What We Know
Psalm 40:8
I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart.
People like what they like and they like what they know. People are proud of their home towns simply because of a sense of familiarity more than a sense of belonging. We like the food our mom’s make, we like our own holiday traditions, and just “the way we do stuff.” It’s all different from what someone else may do, but we like it because it’s what we know; it’s ours.
I’m so thankful my parents taught us about Jesus as early as I can remember. God’s Word is what I know. It’s familiar to me, and I like it. I don’t consider obedience to Him as a chore or a list of restrictions like unbelievers do because they don’t know Him, He’s not familiar to them, so they don’t like Him.
But I like it! I love following Jesus! I don’t mind trusting in Him for everything I need, not holding grudges, and loving others exactly they way they are. Experience and time have proven that God is good to me ALL THE TIME and that my joy is not dependent upon other people or favorable circumstances. This is my experience, it’s familiar to me, it’s what I know, and I like it! It doesn’t make me superior to other Believers or more saved in any way because I became a Believer at a very young age, and I don’t point out my upbringing to boast. But it does make me positively certain that raising my kids to be disciples of Jesus and not leaving it for them to discover Him one day for themselves, like some parents are prone to do, is absolutely the best thing to do. Plus, doing so is exactly what God has instructed on my heart.
And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
(Deuteronomy 6:5-8)
Dear God,
Thank you for my parents. Thank you for coming in to my heart at such an early age and staying there, being familiar and faithful and good to me my whole life. I love you so much and I thank you for a house full of young disciples in my own home today. Thank you! And I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.