Who’s Driving?
Romans 7:21-23
I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind...
I love God’s Law, I agree with all his ways, and I truly desire to live in his structure. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind... God’s Law shows me who I want to be, and my human nature reminds me daily how hard that is to accomplish by myself. I typically do what I don’t want, and don’t do what I mean to do just like Paul says in Romans 7. It’s ridiculous. I’ve been a Believer forever. Why does this still occur?
When Rob was teaching on Sunday, he said, “The Law drives us to the Cross not to ourselves.” People who drive themselves say, “I’ll try harder next time” when they mess up. But a person led by Jesus says, “Jesus, I need you right now.”
When I look at how I mean to be versus how I actually am, I realize that many times in a day I need Jesus. I don’t need to try harder next time. I need Jesus right now.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for being with me. Thank you for Bible verses and songs and thoughts that come from you. Thank you for your Holy Spirit guiding me and giving me wisdom and joy. Thank you that I can ask you for and receive these things all day everyday and that I don’t need to try harder tomorrow, I just need to keep being with you. I love you and thank you and pray in your name, amen.